Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Performance Testing using WCAT with example.

WCAT Stress Test Tool

I have tried to run WCAT stress test tool, but its not that easy and straight forward to get the results. Finally I have succeeded to run WCAT tool. Here is the procedure.

2. Install WCAT tool
3. Create Two files called ‘scenario.ubr‘ and ‘settings.ubr’ in WCAT Tool installed folder ( like C:\Program Files\wcat)
4. Scenario.ubr file content (sample)

warmup   = 30;
duration  = 120;
cooldown  = 100;
id = “test”;
weight = 1000;
url = “/AAA_ST/Web/Index.aspx”;

5. Settings.ubr file content ( sample)

clientfile = “scenario.ubr”;
server = “″;
clients = 1;
virtualclients = 100;

interval = 10;
counter = “Processor(_Total)\\% Processor Time”;
counter = “Processor(_Total)\\% Privileged Time”;
counter = “Processor(_Total)\\% User Time”;
counter = “Processor(_Total)\\Interrupts/sec”;
counter = “Memory\\Available KBytes”;
counter = “Process(w3wp)\\Working Set”;
counter = “System\\Context Switches/sec”;
counter = “System\\System Calls/sec”;
counter = “Web Service(_Total)\\Bytes Received/sec” ;
counter = “Web Service(_Total)\\Bytes Sent/sec” ;
counter = “Web Service(_Total)\\Connection Attempts/sec” ;
counter = “Web Service(_Total)\\Get Requests/sec” ;
6. Open TWO command windows
7. In FIRST command window type following command:   “wcclient.exe 192.168.128 -b ” where ( is  your machine ip address)
8. In SECOND command window type following command:  ”"wcctl.exe -t scenario.ubr -f settings.ubr -s -singleip -extended” where ( is  your machine ip address)

9. WCAT Test will  start and LOG File will created inn WCAT directory

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