Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Oracle Directory Server installation in Windows/Linux

Steps to Install Oracle directory server(Windows):

C:\sun\dsee7\bin>dsccsetup war-file-create
DSCC registry must be created first using the following command:
        dsccsetup ads-create

C:\sun\dsee7\bin>dsccsetup ads-create
Choose password for Directory Service Manager:
Confirm password for Directory Service Manager:
Creating DSCC registry...
DSCC Registry has been created successfully

C:\sun\dsee7\bin>dsccsetup cacao-reg
This subcommand is no longer supported. Please use 'dsccagent create'.

C:\sun\dsee7\bin>dsccagent.exe create
DSCC agent will use the following port: 3997
Enter DSCC agent password:
Confirm the password:
Agent instance C:/sun/dsee7/var/dcc/agent has been created successfully
Run the following command to register the agent in the registry : C:/sun/dsee7/b
in/dsccreg.exe add-agent C:/sun/dsee7/var/dcc/agent

C:\sun\dsee7\bin>dsccreg.exe add-agent C:/sun/dsee7/var/dcc/agent
Agent path: C:/sun/dsee7/var/dcc/agent
Enter DSCC agent "C:/sun/dsee7/var/dcc/agent" password:
Enter DSCC administrator's password:
Agent instance has been registered in DSCC on IFMSP
You can now run dsccagent start to start the agent

C:\sun\dsee7\bin>dsccagent start
The agent C:\sun\dsee7\var\dcc\agent has been started

Simple steps to install ODS:

dsccsetup ads-create

dsccsetup war-file-create

dsccagent.exe create

dsccreg.exe add-agent C:/sun/dsee7/var/dcc/agent

dsccagent start

Use command 'C:/sun/dsee7/bin/dsadm.exe start 'C:\sun\dsee7\instance'' to start the instance

ODS configuration Details

Server Host:  ifmsp.IFMSP1.COM
Server LDAP Port:  1389
Server LDAP Secure Port:  1636
Directory Manager DN:  cn=Directory Manager
Runtime User ID:  administrator
Path:  C:\sun\dsee7\instance
Settings:  Default settings
Server Group:  -Value not set-
DSCC Agent Port:  3997
Description:  -Value not set-

Creating server logs

Creating Directory Server ifmsp.IFMSP1.COM:1389. Server Logs:
Use command 'C:/sun/dsee7/bin/dsadm.exe start 'C:\sun\dsee7\instance'' to start the instance
Adding DSCC registry certificate.
Registering Server . . . . . Done.
Starting server ifmsp.IFMSP1.COM:1389. Server Logs:
Waiting for Directory Server instance 'C:/sun/dsee7/instance' to start...
Directory Server instance 'C:/sun/dsee7/instance' started: pid=4392
Updating the server configuration . . . . . Done.
Restarting server ifmsp.IFMSP1.COM:1389. Server Logs:
Waiting for Directory Server instance 'C:/sun/dsee7/instance' to stop...
Directory Server instance 'C:/sun/dsee7/instance' stopped
Directory Server instance 'C:/sun/dsee7/instance' started: pid=4732
Operation Completed Successfully

Configuration commands in Linux (RHEL 6.3 64bit):

./dsccsetup ads-create

./dsccsetup war-file-create
                Created /ods/dsee7/var/dscc7.war

./dsccagent create
               DSCC agent will use the following port: 3997
                Enter DSCC agent password:
                Confirm the password:
                Agent instance /ods/dsee7/var/dcc/agent has been created successfully
                Run the following command to register the agent in the registry : /ods/dsee7/bin/dsccreg add-agent /ods/dsee7/var/dcc/agent

./dsccreg add-agent /ods/dsee7/var/dcc/agent
                Agent path: /ods/dsee7/var/dcc/agent
                Enter DSCC agent "/ods/dsee7/var/dcc/agent" password:
                Enter DSCC administrator's password:
                Agent instance has been registered in DSCC on WAMRHEL64.RHEL64.COM
                You can now run dsccagent start to start the agent

./dsccagent start
                The agent /ods/dsee7/var/dcc/agent has been started

./dsadm create -p 1389 -P 1636 /ods/instance
                Choose the Directory Manager password:
                Confirm the Directory Manager password:
                Use command 'dsadm start '/ods/Instance'' to start the instance
./dsadm start '/ods/Instance'
                Directory Server instance '/ods/Instance' started: pid=2771

Install Tomcat; deploy war file

Creating Directory Server WAMRHEL64.RHEL64.COM:2389. Server Logs:
Use command 'dsadm start '/ods/instance'' to start the instance
Adding DSCC registry certificate.
Registering Server . . . . . Done.
Starting server WAMRHEL64.RHEL64.COM:2389. Server Logs:
Directory Server instance '/ods/instance' started: pid=15855
Updating the server configuration . . . . . Done.
Restarting server WAMRHEL64.RHEL64.COM:2389. Server Logs:
Directory Server instance '/ods/instance' stopped
Directory Server instance '/ods/instance' started: pid=15912

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